Website Security Test Escape2Freedom-UK: July 2014

Sunday, 20 July 2014


Escape2Freedom-UK Gif

Giff, two women die.

It's YOUR Fault! 

Escape, Child marriage.   Escape, arranged or forced marriage.   Escape, domestic abuse.

*"This blog has been reproduced & republished due to hacking"

For International Help, Click This Link

*If you are a Woman: With or without children: Suffering Abuse/Violence:

A - New - identity.    A - New - appearance.    A - New  - image.    YOU - will have NO previous history.
You do not need, MONEY, CLOTHING, ANYTHING.   When you leave!  Just the children!               

Go to a POLICE-STATION as far away from your local area as "possible".   Ask to be put in touch with REFUGE.   

CONTACT - REFUGE- Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge: 0808 2000 247  *24 hours a day, 365 days a year

 REFUGES, for women and children, psychological support, independent legal advocacy and services, services for minority ethnic women and children.

If Refuge do not have a vacancy & you are in a police station:
*Don't Move! Until Someone Helps YOU!

Self-Defence! Click.

 If you do not want to leave your home, you can get an injunction to remove the perpetrator.

FREE, FAST, emergency injunction service;

If you experience any problems WE can refer you; Contact Us!

Indicate how we should contact YOU.

    In Memory of the “Thousands” who have Died as a Result of “Domestic Violence”

Photo, Domestic Murders


•psychological •physical  •sexual  •financial •emotional

Controlling behaviour is: a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.

Coercive behaviour is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.”*

*This definition includes so called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.

Sexual and domestic violence UK;   in an average year you can expect, (536,000) victims of sexual assault, (2.0 million) of domestic abuse, and (540) homicides. (Reported incidents) Since only about 25% of cases are reported, the statistics are appalling. As a nation we condemn others for the same – instead of condemning other people, the nation and its populous should look to its-self. Only then will the nation and its populous have a right to condemn anyone.

 If YOU or a CHILD is in immediate danger, contact us straightaway or DIAL:


*If you are a MAN suffering Domestic Abuse or Violence call this number.  01823 334244  *24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Photo, Child Murders

Child abuse; don’t wait until you're certain *if you are worried about a child. *If you have any concerns, contact our free helpline service to speak to an NSPCC counsellor  *24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 0808 800 5000

Don't Ask

Domestic-Abuse, Website for Children.  One tap/site disappears!

A Little Known Fact Gif

A Child or Partner-living in a home where Domestic Abuse/Violence-is perpetrated.  Exhibits the same encephalographic “Brain Pattern”, as a “Front Line Soldier” on “The Battle Field”.  TRAUMA!  That will affect the rest of their lives!
Child Line


Crimestoppers link


It's Your Fault!

Find us on Twitter:

Find us on: (NEW PAGE)

Find us on:  (Hub Pages).

Find us on:  (Hub Pages 1).


We receive No grants-No funding & accept No donations. We are a privately funded organisation!

If you wish to donate-Consider donating to Woman’s Aid (Refuge).

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us, Should You Need Further Assistance!


Saturday, 12 July 2014



Missing Child Alert !

 Click Here> Missing Child Alerts!

Please review this site regularly!
You Could Save A Life.
Contact us.  Page: Escape2Freedom-UK

 If a child go's missing DO NOT HESITATE phone police immediately!


Friday, 11 July 2014






If you require any further assistance or information MAIL us!


 Contact us.  Page: Escape2Freedom-UK

Thursday, 10 July 2014


There are a number of things you can do!

 Pass our site URL on to as:

Many people as you can (ask them to do the same). Click Here   

Visit us on Twitter:

Join us on Facebook:

Get your "free" 
satin ribbon lapel bow; or wristband; show your support for -


And - Escape2Freedom-UK! 

Statistics show that 91% of the public will not take one, even though it is free!

So don’t be disappointed, it was not a waste of time getting them-we’ve proved a point to one person.

It creates a discussion point that the majority would rather avoid.

Mail us your request and Delivery Address.


State number required/ Maximum Ten.

Shops/Offices/Etc.:  -

Mail us, state quantity required, Maximum one hundred-each order.

Make a conscious decision to report any suspicions of Domestic Abuse!



Remembering that eighty per cent of Child Abuse is perpetrated within

The, family!  Abusing a partner is also abusing the children!

Wear a purple ribbon bow or wristband STOP DOMESTIC ABUSE!


Domestic Abuse/ViolenceWatch This Video.

Contact us.  Page: Escape2Freedom-UK

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Safety for Cildren

Child under - eighteen!

Girls & Boys Safety!
                                 I thought of this information reaching the wrong hands, but:
     A candle’s light is not dimmed by lighting another candle.
**If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind; pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh - HARD. Try it you will find the most painful spot: One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts. Practice! 

(The reason we say practice on your self, is in order that you learn the most painful points through experience. After a few weeks of practice. In an emergency situation you will instinctively, connect with the most painful points, on an attacker)
**When you're in a confrontation, you only have a few seconds and a few moves to try before the fight may be decided. Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must do everything you can—conserving as much energy as possible—to inflict injury so you can get away. (This is no time to be civil. In a physical confrontation that calls for self-defence, it's hurt or be hurt.) So aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin. Poke, or Grab squeeze & twist, with all your strength. Practice!
**If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, (held by him) ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!  "Gain another10% on your side! ZIG-ZAG"
**As women, you are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well, educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
I was going to send this to the girls only, but you may want to pass it on!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014




If we in this Country UK are to significantly reduce ABUSE! The majority: of the populous needs to play their part. And not be apathetically complacent!


 The populous should become vigilant: They should report ABUSE! Whenever they hear or see it! Whatever the ABUSE!  Verbal, physical, psychological, financial, sexual, gossip, roomer, any ABUSE!  (To report it, is your right!) However trivial it may seem: ABUSE is ABUSE and unless you tackle ALL ABUSE. People will ABUSE and gradually escalate in their ABUSIVE behaviour! There is no excuse for abuse! Any individual knows what is and is not, acceptable behaviour!

 From small acorns, great oak trees do grow!

 A serial murderer or rapist would normally have escalated from simple abusive behaviour: Unchecked.

 It should be reported to the Police 101 or to Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111. And you should ask for a reference number for the conversation. At the end: of the call. (In case you need it).  The responsibility of deciding how serious it is and what action should be taken, is theirs!  You are under no obligation to give your name, address or phone number. And by law; they cannot hold your number when you call.

 These steps and attitude need to be adopted by the majority, if we are to significantly reduce ABUSE!> Abuse: Violence. Murder:  Rape: Adult and Child alike.  

 If you read this article and brush it aside, you are just another contributor to the endemic! To participate only takes the effort to pick up the phone. You simply report what you see and here! If you are uncertain or unsure, then there must be a problem somewhere. So report it: Be safe. It is not for you to decide; the authorities will look in to the matter and decide what if any; Action should be taken. Never the less, it is on record…

 ABUSE! Constitutes: one of, or a combination of: mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, treat badly, ill-use, misuse; handle/treat roughly, knock about/around, manhandle, mishandle, maul, molest, interfere with, indecently assault, sexually abuse, sexually assault, grope, assault, hit, strike, beat; injure, hurt, harm, damage; wrong, bully, persecute, oppress, torture; informal beat up, rough up, do over, slander, and this list is by no means exhaustive!


Monday, 7 July 2014

Getting Legal Aid



Getting Legal Aid Under New UK Legislation!

Excerpt from Ministry of Justice rules of acceptance!


If you are a victim of domestic violence and are divorcing or separating from an abusive partner you can get legal aid to help. This can be help with the divorce or things such as child contact or how to share money or property.

There are many forms of domestic violence and it is not just about physical violence. To get legal aid you must be able to give your solicitor some evidence that you have been a victim of domestic violence by your partner. There is a long list of acceptable evidence, all relating to judicial acceptance. IE: It has already been proved, If you have no judicial proof, you can follow the following procedure!

If a doctor (including a GP), nurse, midwife, practitioner psychologist or health visitor saw you in the last two years because you had injuries or a condition from domestic violence caused by your ex-partner then this can be used as evidence for legal aid.

A ‘condition’ can include mental or psychological conditions, such as depression, as well as physical conditions.

You will need a letter from the doctor, nurse, midwife, practitioner psychologist or health visitor who saw you that confirms that when they examined you, you had a condition that was consistent with domestic violence.

I confirm that……………. Has been/is a victim of Domestic “Violence” in the form of: physical violence, psychological violence, restrictive violence, coercion violence, Etc.

Any solicitor should be able to afford you a letter template, should you wish.

Contact Us Mail Box: Click Here!

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Entering The Children's Courts Arena


Entering the Children's Courts Arena

Entering the Children's Courts Arena: for Parent Victims of Abuse: Is to entre a repetitive cycle. Example: If you are unfortunate enough to be dealing with “Social Services” You are entering in to a cycle that is a perpetual circle. You have lost your children to SS: the cycle begins; you appeal the decision and return to the same court for your appeal hearing. The SS put the same facts forward and ask for more time to assess the situation. You’ve lost. So you appeal again and return to the same court: the cycle begins again. 
 Why? Because that is the system: unless you commit a criminal offence appertaining to your children: you will never reach a higher court. Children's Courts are A Closed Shop: unless you breech the cycle.
Example: Judges are fed-up with adoption cases coming before them; where SS has repeatedly requested more time (Holding the Children) in foster care; until they can claim: Bonds are Broken and Adoption is the best policy.

This situation is brought about by a number of things: “Familiarity” regular appearance of a particular Social Worker: and or representatives thereof.  Etiquette: following a preconceived set of rules. And a little of: “The old pals act”. Whether this situation holds sway to one side: We cannot say!

Escape2Freedom-UK      Expression: To Victims!                      

In any expression: we offer: we reserve the right to deviate in our expression: from that which would be considered etiquette.

We reserve the right to express our “Humble Opinion” on the use of; any and all legal channels available; whether by test or action attributed thereto. 

We reserve the right to utter expression; which is of our “Humble Opinion” the best or only remaining alternative/s. 

You have the right to have a “legal” “Advocate” express your opinion, point of fact, thoughts, feelings, or anything you wish orated on your behalf. An "Advocate" expresses/orates verbatim; or perceived wishes that  you have pre; Instructed them to orate: Or passes to the bench any documents you have pre; Instructed them to pass. An "Advocate" is not like a solicitor; an "Advocate" simply carries out prearranged or perceived instructions or tactics. Not all "Advocates" are "legal" "Advocates" example "Barristers" "Solicitors". You should discuss what you expect of your "Advocate" in advance; and be clear in what you expect.



A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause.
‘He: was an untiring advocate of economic reform’

A person who puts a case on someone else’s behalf:

‘A care: manager can become an advocate for their client’

A professional pleader in a court of justice:

‘A solicitor: may act as advocate in Crown Courts’ 

Contact us:  Page:- Escape2Freedom-UK





Saturday, 5 July 2014

Warning Signs!


Is he jealous and possessive?

Does he cut her off from family and friends and try to isolate her?

Is he charming one minute and abusive the next? Does he have
Sudden changes of mood – like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Does he control her life – for example, her money, who she

should see, what she should wear?

Does he monitor her movements?

Does he blame her for the abuse?

Does he humiliate or insult her in front of others?

Does he verbally abuse her?

Does he constantly criticise her?

Does he use anger and intimidation to frighten her and make

 her comply with his demands?

Does he tell her she’s useless and couldn't cope without him?

Has he threatened to hurt her or people close to her if she leaves?

Does she change her behaviour to avoid making him angry?

Does he force her to have sex when she doesn't want to?

There are many different ways of being abusive. Here are a few examples:

Damaging a woman’s possessions.
Smashing up the furniture.
Threatening to harm or kill the pets.
Threatening to kidnap or get custody of the children if she leaves.
Locking her out of the house, during an argument.
Terrorising her by driving fast or through red lights at high speed
because he knows it frightens her.

The aim of the behaviour, whether conscious or unconscious –

is to take control of the woman’s life. Domestic violence is an

abuse of power – it’s all about power and control.

FREE, FAST, emergency injunction service;


If “YOU” Suspect Domestic Abuse/Violence Call, The “POLICE”. Express “YOUR” concerns and the reasons why “YOU” are concerned.  (It is the responsibility of the “POLICE” to take “YOUR” concerns seriously and to figure out what to do about them.) At the end of your conversation, ask for a “CAD Number” If needed this is the file number of your recorded conversation with Police.

Contact us.  Page: Escape2Freedom-UK

Friday, 4 July 2014


60% of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.
A significant amount of domestic abuse stems directly or indirectly from infidelity allegations.
*To drive home this point, three common infidelity-related domestic violence scenarios are documented below:
•an infidelity victim physically assaults his or her cheating mate
•a person questions his or her mate because he or she suspects infidelity, and the interrogation erupts into violence. So You think he/she is cheating on You -Is it Intuition or Insecurity?
•a betrayed husband or wife catches their cheating mate in the act and violently attacks the cheater or the cheater’s lover with a weapon of some kind.
Online Resources to Help You Catch or Monitor a Cheating Mate.
Reverse Phone Number Searches; If there are numbers you don’t recognize on your caller ID, cell phone bill, programmed into your spouse or significant other's cell phone, or you find unfamiliar numbers scribbled on scraps of paper or the back of business cards, you can do a reverse phone number search to find out whose number it is. Some services provide searches for land lines only. Other services provide searches for cell phones, too. For an additional fee, some services even allow you to run an online background check, too.
Reverse E-Mail Address Searches; If your spouse or significant other is sending or receiving e-mails from someone you don’t know, a reverse e-mail search will let you know who the e-mail address belongs to. There is one online service of this type which gives you access to the largest e-mail search database on the internet. This particular service is also used by law enforcement, government officials, lawyers, private investigators and many others.
Online Background Checks; An online background check can give you additional details about the person your partner is cheating with. If you already have the name of the person your spouse or significant other is seeing behind your back, you can run a background check for more information about who this person is. (If you don’t have a name yet, use a reverse phone search or reverse e-mail search services above to track down the person’s name, then do an online background check.)
These 3 types of online resources will come in handy if you have – or think you have -- a cheating mate.

Contact us.  Page: Escape2Freedom-UK                                           Self-defence: Click